Dexter Ballay

Neosho Freeman Family YMCA is located at 4701 Chouteau St adjacent from the Crowder campus
Neosho YMCA is located next to Crowder College. It gives student athletes a place to work out and for any students who just want to squeeze in fitness into their tight schedules. The Y allows students to pay a joiner fee of $25 a month (18-24 years). If you are in a Crowder dorm or apartment, it is already included.
Sarah Sonis, program director at the Y, has put forth many activities for all ages. “Getting to help and motivate people are some of my favorite things about this job,” said Sonis.
Women on Weights is one of the upcoming programs starting Oct. 26- Nov. 29. It is for women wanting to learn the correct ways of using weights. The program lands on a Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. has a limited number of participants and costs $25 for members. Sonis is also the instructor for the class.
“I enjoy helping people meet their goals,” said Sonis. Swim lessons starting in the fall have also been organized. Session C from Nov. 7-30 and Session D from Dec. 4-14 will be open for the public.
Personal trainers are also available for those who would like to be pushed to further and accomplish goals. Jessica Ferguson and Josh McConnell are available for one hour for $25/member, three hours for $75/member, or six hours for $150/member.
Student athlete Cameron Witt uses the Y to work out and is pleased with the effectiveness of the facility. “It is a very friendly environment and very easy and convenient for me to use,” according to Witt.
The YMCA is open: 5 a.m.- 10 p.m. from Mon-Thurs, 5 a.m.- 9 p.m. on Friday, 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. on Saturday, and 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. on Sunday. For any further questions, contact Sonis at (417) 455-9999.
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