Why the Freedom Dividend is better than minimum wage

Matthew Decker


One of the biggest debates right now in the Democratic party is raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour. Which is acceptable since the federal minimum wage has not increased since 2009. $7.25 is not a livable wage and families cannot afford to live off it. Which is why many democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden support the raise of the minimum wage. 

What if I said that there is a better solution. The Democratic candidate Andrew Yang has proposed the Freedom Dividend.  The Freedom Dividend is a basic universal income (UBI) of $1000 per month. Who qualifies for the Freedom Dividend? Any United States Citizen over the age of 18.  The Freedom Dividend is a great idea that will help our economy. The Freedom Dividend will allow people whose jobs are taken by automation, go back to school, it will allow stay at home parents away, to be able to spend more time with their kids and provide for them, people will be able to start their own businesses, and people will be able to go back to college. This is beneficial to our economy. 

So the freedom dividend would be beneficial to the economy It would allow people who lose jobs to artificial intelligence and automation would be be able to open a business, or go back to school and help our economy. It would allow people to look for jobs and still have a way to support and provide for themselves while the minimum wage is only geared for people working,but as AI comes into play and take over jobs people will still need a way to support themselves.