Assistant Editor
All former and current military personnel, as well as family and friends of those who have served, were invited to stop by the Fireside Room on the Neosho campus for food, drinks, and fellowship this Veteran’s Day. The event, which was in appreciation for those who have served, resulted in many students and faculty members stopping by to share in the conversation between fellow veterans and supporters alike.
“We wanted to recognize veterans for all that they’ve done for our country and us, and for those who are in the armed services now that do things that we don’t even know to protect us,” said Lori Kelly, the assistant director of Campus Life.
For many, the event was much appreciated, showing that Crowder College does respect and honor those who have served or are serving now. For others, it also offered a chance at networking with those who can relate and understand what they have been through, among other benefits.
“It shows the support for your veterans, but it also allows your veterans to show their experience,” said Ronald Metz, a business management major who has served during war period for Vietnam, Grenada, and the first Gulf War.
For Thom Burton, a fire and paramedic science major who served in the active Army, National Guard and Naval Reserves, the time spent in the military gave him a chance to make many friends.
“…The camaraderie that is there is something that you can’t find anywhere else,” Burton said, mentioning the bond he shared with those he served with.
In some ways, the event offered veterans a chance to find that camaraderie again, giving them a chance to converse with those who have shared similar experiences. However, this may not be the only chance veterans have at joining together. The possibility of a veteran’s club may be in the near future.
The concept will be presented to the Student Government Association at some point in the coming weeks, where they will either make it official or turn it down. As for now, the club is still uncertain.
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