Clara Brodeur
There are now Teacher Education Program Coordinators for Missouri State University (MSU) and Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) on the Neosho Crowder College campus. Teaching majors can finish their degree at Crowder, but get it through either MSU or MSSU.
“With the unique partnership with both universities, it will allow out Crowder students to be better served and prepared,” Heidi Gilligan, Education Division Chair, said. An interactive web cam allows the teacher at either university to communicate with the students in the classroom at Crowder, similar to educational Skyping.
Although this may seem like a new thing, it isn’t. It has been available for a while; the only difference is there is now a coordinator for MSSU, Dr. Carissa Gober, and for MSU, Laura Schisler.
For an additional two years, attending every other day, students can stay on-campus at Crowder while getting a degree through either university. An additional semester is needed for student teaching, according to Gilligan. “I like the education program because it focuses more on getting us involved with the students rather than testing us on the information,” Lydia Poindexter, art and education major said.
Students can transfer to this program with an Associate of Arts. Financial aid starts over with the transfer, and since it’s still through Crowder, the A+ scholarship will still work as well, according to Gilligan.
In-state tuition of $204 per credit hour is extended to everyone in the program, regardless of the state they reside in. Student service fees, which can be $800 a year, are waived for being off-campus.
The group that students start their classes with is the group they will continue to be with both years.
“Working for both institutions, I can better serve both populations of students because I can see where they are and where they are going and help them get there,” Laura Schisler said.
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