By Gisela Salas

Blood glucose monitoring was a part of Wellness Week among many other activities.
A nursing student hosted the blood glucose booth along with the nursing teacher. They informed students why you should know how to keep track of your blood glucose.
“Think about how many people are unaware of their blood glucose. I just want to make people aware of their health in the future. Even having a glucose meter can help you a lot.”, commented the nursing student on how this information can help students know more about their blood glucose. The self-monitoring portion of blood glucose allows patients to be able to monitor their health at home using a small handheld machine called a glucose meter.
What drives this nursing student to help other students?
The answer is her major. “I am in nursing, so it is just a thread of me wanting to help people. It is just what is the most important to me. Also just making as many people as I can aware of their medical health,” continues the nursing student, “Have them talk to their doctors about their blood glucose. Have their doctors put them on a diet that would suit their blood glucose. For it to get better.” The student shares this advice for students that are trying to learn more about this topic.
People with prediabetes, diabetes, and other conditions, diet is a major part of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. “It is extremely important to test your blood glucose before and after meals. Also, mostly before and after exercise.” includes the nursing student, “In middle school, people should first start learning about their blood glucose around this age because that is the age a lot of people find out that they might be diabetic.”
The nursing student also talks about why this is important to know and about the dangers of your blood glucose, “Any type of hypo shock that is significant risk in any blood glucose is important to know. High or low blood sugar can lead to dizziness, vison loss, heart disease, kidney disease, and long-term health conditions.” Blood glucose negative and positive effects have helped many students learn more information about their health and well-being and will continue to do so.

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