Digital media major announces his favorite teacher

By Vincent Dunbar

Eric Mcdonald, a student working towards his digital media certificate, shares his thoughts regarding education, finance, and other topics.

Would you rather be a teacher or student? Why?

“Student. Because I dislikes kids, and I don’t believe have the ability to instruct.”

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

“I would spend at least half in a warehouse full of supplies and equipment in addition to branding. A quarter of it would go towards investment and the rest would go towards personal items.”

What is your favorite social media destination and why?

“Both Instagram and Tiktok. Instagram has a better user-face platform while Tiktok has an algorithm that allows content creators to become viral in an instant.”

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

“Gram for digital illustration (high school). Gram was a social teacher who interacted well with the student body and his demeanor was entertaining to all. Faculty couldn’t get rid of Gram and student had a full body wrestling match with him. He came out on top!”

If you could choose one person to appoint for the office of presidency, who would you select?

“I would appoint Daniel Radcliffe for president of the United States.”

What do you like about Crowder College?

“It’s easier than high school. Teachers know how to use Canvas, its straightforward and easy to understand.”

If you could be on any planet in the Milky Way galaxy besides Earth, which would you pick?


What do you hope to get from your future degree or career?

“I want to be able to travel anywhere. Have a fresh start.”

What did you imagine college would be like?

“I didn’t have any expectations for college because I thought wouldn’t be here.”

If you could choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

“Sushi, it is versatile: coming in all shapes and sizes. As a plus, it is a great source of protein and carbohydrates.”