By Shanna Smith
Shenel King, Majoring in Digital Media Marketing, defines her goals and identifies her career.
What are the kinds of worldly things you see yourself changing? (aspects/world based)
Trying to change common brands how they ethically move and choose to do
things based in their business.
How do you think your life will change with your college life?
In college I’ll learn responsibility and time management.
Do you see yourself as a great role model in every aspect you run into?
Depending on the situation or environment I am involved with.
What is something you look forward to in the future with your career?
Being able to use creativity in my career whilst also enjoying it with open mind.
What is a saying that motivates your journey?
“No one helps you, as much as you” because it’s very much how you decide for yourself, and it is the same for others.
Where do you enjoy spending your time at? And how?
Being outdoors and enjoying the peaceful and quiet walks.
Is there any kind of peer you have that you are most likely to connect with above others?
Somebody who is friendly and more present type of person.
Is there a point in your life that has affected you in the future?
A factor of having a single parent affected how I am as a person.
What do you like as breakfast?
My go to is bacon, egg, and cheese.
What kind of idea is your type of fun?
Being around a lot of extroverts and those with positive impacts.
Shanna May Smith is a student in DIGM 102 Content Creation in the Digital
Media Marketing program at Crowder College.
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