Q&A: Alyssa Hollars
Music major
Neosho/Webb City
By Clara Brodeur
How long have you been attending Crowder College?
This is my first semester.
What do you miss about high school?
I miss marching band, jazz band and definitely all the band trips.
What degree are you attending for?
Music is my major.
Which campus do you attend?
I attend both Neosho and Web City campus. I attend both because there was scheduling conflict for other classes.
What do you think of your college experience so far?
It’s fabulous, because I get to expand my horizons with music.
Do you live on campus?
No I don’t, I live in Joplin.
What are your goals for this semester?
To be honest, to get through this semester without failing.
Are there other things affecting what your goals are?
I work a full-time job, approximately 50 hours a week. With everything going on in my life, I have very little time to finish my homework and keep up with my online class.
How did you decide on your major?
I’ve always been interesting in music and decided it’s the next step to reaching my future career goals.
Why did you choose to attend Crowder?
I chose to attend here because I’m in the A+ Program, it seemed like the best option for me and to hopefully save some money.
Which clubs have you joined here on campus?
With my busy schedule, I am unable to join any clubs. Although, I would like to, if the opportunity presents itself. Some of my classes include club-like activities.
When would you like to graduate Crowder?
I would like to graduate after my two years are over.
Are there any Universities you are thinking of attending after Crowder?
I am going to have to transfer to MSSU after graduating to reach my career goal.
Are you a full-time student?
Yes, I am. I am enrolled in 15 credit hours.
Where are you currently employed?
Yes, I currently work at Blue Beacon Truck Wash as a cashier.
How do you handle being a full-time student and being employed full-time?
I sleep as little as possible and do as much work as I can in my free time. I sleep, eat, school, and work.
Who is your favorite instructor, and why?
My favorite instructor is my Speech instructor, JP Dickey. Even though I thought I’d hate the class, he makes it fun and more enjoyable. He has lessened my fear of public speaking.
Why are you worried about this semester?
Because I am potentially going to miss a lot of school, because of my boyfriend’s graduating from two military schools while I am attending this semester. So, my absence will not be helping the fact that I’m a full-time student and also work full-time.
What are your hobbies outside of school and work?
I enjoy doing hair and nails. Someday, I would like to work in a salon and teach piano and voice lessons on the side.
If your main goal is to work in a salon, why are you attending for music first?
It is more convenient because the A+ Program only covers a beauty school that is located four hours away. I decided music was the way to go first.
Are you going to be employed by a school, or self-employed?
Self-employed, because I could work around my own schedule and I want to be my own boss.
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