Valentine’s day is coming, and that means that couples all over the world will be celebrating, while those of us that are single will be finding every way possible to either get a companion, or to avoid the day altogether. But why do so many people place so much emphasis on Valentine’s day? Looking at it honestly, it makes up 1/365 of the days of the year, the only exception being on a leap year, which makes it just a little bit more insignificant. And in case anyone needed further convincing to see how atrocious the “holiday” is, there’s plenty to go around.
According to, February 14 sees a 40 percent increase in divorce filings, and the weeks after are no different. This is attributed to the ever-decreasing pressure that is built up over the holiday season, specifically from November to February. No longer is anyone worried about ruining that, and so they choose to cut their ties to someone who clearly wasn’t as important for the other 364 days of the year. Furthermore, 53% of women said they’d end the relationship if they didn’t get anything on Valentine’s Day. And as if that weren’t enough, suicide hotlines also get a drastic increase in traffic on February 14.
According to Lesley Levin, the President and CEO of Behavior Health Response, there will be an estimated 600 calls to the suicide hotline on February 14; a 50% increase from their average day.
But surely there must be some good about Valentine’s Day, right? I mean, despite all of those negative statistics, there must be something that redeems all of that, or why would we celebrate it? Never fear, dear consumer, there is plenty good about February 14! For starters, Hallmark has roughly 1400 variations of Valentine’s Day card, so there’s something out there for any lover that you may find yourself with! Furthermore, if you have stock in a big company, be ready for a little bump in your stock price, because an average of $13.9 billion is spent on Valentine’s Day, according to For consumers, this is a fantastic day; especially if you’re in the candy or card business, which each rake in about 50% of gifts given on Valentine’s Day, if you allow for multiple gifts to be given.
Other than for those that are selfish and absolutely expect a gift, and those that are profiting from sales of the obligatory holiday-related gifts, there’s not much that’s great about Valentine’s Day. If you really care about your significant other, wouldn’t it be better to get them a gift or take them on a fancy date just because, on a day with no obligations tied to it? Let’s face it, if you’re single or not happy in your relationship, February 14 is one big day of disappointment and a reminder that you’re either alone or with someone that isn’t right for you. Maybe that’s a bit pessimistic, but it’s the truth. But whether you’re single or happy in your relationship, I propose a boycott of Valentine’s Day. Instead of a fancy date and expensive gifts, maybe cook your significant other dinner and watch movies together. Save the expensive gifts for when they’re least expecting it and it will make them a lot happier since it’s unexpected and absolutely voluntary.
Holiday Loses Luster
– Posted on April 7, 2015Posted in: Culture, Lifestyle, News, Opinion, Uncategorized
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