By Iker Hernandez

Current Crowder student Cameron Childers talks about his future in becoming a book author.
What is your major?
Communication and Public Relations major.
What is your dream career and dream goal?
My dream career is to be a book author and my dream goal is to see one of my books in my high school library.
Why did you choose Crowder?
It was affordable and Mrs. Bailey told me about all the benefits Crowder had for journalism.
Why do you want to be an author?
I love writing and my father always told me to do something that I love.
What got you into reading?
I had dyslexia when I was younger and my 3rd grade teacher forced me to read books and I enjoyed reading ever since.
What is your favorite book of all time?
World War Z because it is a modern classic and I like how it is written.
Do you have any hobbies?
I listen to music, I mostly like to go outdoors, I love reading, and I got banned from my school library one time because I would read in the library instead of going to my classes.
If you could go back and see your younger self, what would you say?
That life is full of sh*t and that you’re dumb, but it is going to get better.
Favorite music artist?
Foo Fighters because I can relate to their music, specifically the song “Walk.”
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Greece because I think it’s beautiful and I have family who live over there.
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