This Wellness Week at Crowder College campus on Tuesday Sept. 17, many set up booths for the students but one sought out to offer not only a relaxing craft time for the busy Crowder students but a memorable friendship bracelet for free. Students were allowed to pick from a large variety of beads as well as strings of all shapes and colors to create their fully custom friendship bracelets.
By the afternoon, 20 bracelets had already been made, and they expected to exceed 40 plus bracelets by the end of the day. If everything went as expected, this would allow them to get rid of some extra materials they had lying around, which it turns out, was the core reason they chose friendship bracelets in the first place. With an excess of materials and a goal to provide a stress free, fun, and never before seen experience on campus to the students, most would agree they were a complete success.
Friendship bracelets are a wonderful activity to ease the mind, fidget with, and or to give as a gift. More people such as these students should try giving your hands something to do so that your mind can relax from your busy schedule. so why not go ahead and make some friendship bracelets now?

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