Jesse O. Walls
Republican prejudice runs deep in modern-day politics as their ethics seem to decline to near extinction. Over the past couple of months they have reared their ugly heads to promote freedom of speech when it comes to racism and bigotry, to complain about a Super Bowl ad that promoted diversity in America, and now they wish to attack the endangered species act.
The Endangered Species Act was established in 1973 to help protect species that were at risk of becoming extinct, but 13 GOP lawmakers have proposed a reform to the federal law, according to an article by Mathew Brown for the Associated Press.
“The biggest problem is that the Endangered Species Act is not recovering species,” said Rep. Norman Hastings, R-Wash, in the article. “The way the act was written, there is more of an effort to list [species as endangered or threatened] than to delist.”
Republicans, whose first interest is money, feel the act limits expansion and business growth. The desire to destroy an ecosystem and endanger a life is menial to their pursuit for fatter bank accounts in corporate America. Destruction is progress, death is progress, as long as it is for the greater good—richer businessman who rape and pillage Mother Nature for the sake of their wallets.
More than 1,519 species of plants and animals are protected under the act, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Even our nation’s official bird, the bald eagle, was once on the list, only recently having been removed in 2007 after decades of being close to extinction. And for decades Republicans have been looking out for the interest of wealthy businessmen, challenging the act throughout its history.
Imagine a nation without the Endangered Species Act, where people are allowed to shoot and kill animals without question, pillage and destroy ecosystems without a second thought. Imagine our nation without its national emblem, the bald eagle. If the GOP gets to reform the act, what consequences will there be—what animals and plant life will our children’s children be without? Progress can not be stopped, but it can be limited, and to live in a healthier, beautiful America, we must learn to live in harmony with Mother Nature. Our world is something that can not happen twice, and the abuse we give it today will be reflected in tomorrow.
For more information on the Endangered Species Act and a list of endangered species, visit
In response to your Article
I think that you are missing the whole point. I love animals and the other stuff however. You should know that there another side to this. !. Do you remember the spotted Owl, the snail darter, the burrowing owl? Not to mention others. Did you know that this cost hundreds of people jobs and a place to live? You see there is no compromise when this happens. Even later when they find out that what they thought was wasn’t. No one ever tell what happens next. They never let it be known publicly that they were wrong. Just like they miss manage the forests. You can put people to work clearing the brush and not damage the environment. Yet they are always in favor of burning it down. Usually in the spring when natures youth is very young. Many times and they do not publicizes this the fire gets out of control and burns more than one area. The animals and the birds and others all suffer. Many lose their lives over stupidity. Putting people to work and properly taking care of the forests and wetlands are just one step. But you have to do it sensibly and make the most out of our resources. Clean out the forests after a deadly fire .Do not waste the wood and cause more problems. Where you aware that it set does not stop with the endangered species act. Our farms are in danger your lives are in danger as well. These things are good but it should be with a balance. Yes I agree that the rivers should be kept chemical free as your drawing, Have you ever seen what happens after the strip mining? I have they took areas that were to fit for man nor beast restructured it and made it useful not only to the land but it now supports more wildlife. I am glad that you have a passion for this. But do not blame it on just the republicans. Do not Kid yourself either. The Democrats have been abusing the so called ecological laws themselves for their own selfish gain. I know because I have seen it over and over again. Ask the states of Oregon, California, Washington State and the list goes on. The insane extreme stops and hurts those who have done nothing wrong. Ask the Dairy Farmers. If you want another example. Here is one for you and this is the question that I pose. If dirt floating in the clouds gathers it causes rain. The rain then falls and waters the earth. If you with the clean air act make everyone stop planting, stop heating their home, and other things. When then with no dirt to seed the clouds we get no rain we get no water then we all die. Get it you have to work together for a balance not for stupidity. I am neither republican nor am I democrat.
I am an American who will fight for the right and the common-sense. I am old and I have seen a lot. You know it is not that we think we are so smart. It is just that we have made those mistakes we just wish that you will not do the same mistakes we have and keep this mistake from getting corrected. Sandy W.