Do students have time for hobbies?

Sam HooverHobbies photo


Many students often do have time for hobbies, but find themselves exhausted after a long day of both school and work. What are some ways to help?

“Anything that can relax you and set your mind at ease can relieve stress.”Lori Kelley, Psychology major and Faculty at Crowder College says.

One hobby that has little, if any cost is walking or hiking. This activity gets students out of their room and gets them involved in nature. Looking at the scenery will help their mind relax and get away from the stress of classes.

Video games can also relieve stress, but at the same time also cause it if you lose. It is important to walk away from the game if you find yourself getting frustrated.

Some other examples that Lori gave are; exercise, reading, meditating, listening to music, taking a bath, playing an instrument, and dancing.

Hobbies that require one to be in a group can be beneficial to mental health.  Hobbies that require you to connect with others can bring social support which in return can bring stress relief. The friends that are made at social events can become some of the best friends that you have.

Parkinson’s Law states “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Without an evening of scheduled events you may find themselves staying up late at night trying to meet deadlines for work and school. If you had play practice or if you had planned to hang out with friends, this would give you motivation to get the tasks at hand done.