Jesse O. Walls
America takes another shot at Godzilla, but this time creates a disaster movie with monsters as a subplot. Revolving more around main character, Ford Brody, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and his various relationships with his father, wife and son, the movie lacks in its main draw, Godzilla.
After trudging endlessly through the first half of the movie that plays more like a disaster-drama, the monsters that are hinted at here and there finally make an appearance. An insect-like creature referred to as MUTO is the first monster to take the screen, and between it and its mate, they take up at least 75 percent of the monster screen time in the movie, which was very little time to begin with compared to the rest of the movie.
Godzilla is another story. As soon as Godzilla is seen for the first time from head to foot, it is apparent he differs from the Japanese films. Though there are many similarities, fans of the original Godzilla cannot deny, this is not the ‘King of the Monsters’. Godzilla’s actions even depict a different creature, something canine or ape-like, and at times it would have been easier to have visualized King Kong in the battle sequences.
As far as the acting goes, the performances were lackluster at best. Taylor-Johnson’s lack of real emotion may have depicted his detachment, but nobody goes to a monster movie to watch a dysfunctional person come to terms with their relationships. It wasn’t endearing or heart wrenching, but nerve-racking and vomit-worthy at best.
However, this new take on Godzilla was a far cry better than the 1998 American Godzilla remake starring Mathew Broderick. This storyline was more true to its origins than the ‘98 monstrosity that Godzilla fans have dubbed ‘Fraudzilla’. Still, it is not the true Toho Film Godzilla, and for those wanting a real Godzilla experience, they should check out the 27 Godzilla movies that were not made in America.