Choices Medical Services is a health clinic in Joplin, MO specializing in pregnancy and STD/STI testing. They also have a mobile van that can operate most of their tests and services on the go, as well as wellness screenings.
They provided these screenings at the Crowder Wellness Week, which included blood sugar, blood pressure, pulse and BMI. Their mobile van makes frequent stops at Crowder College, providing these services to our students.
While Choices doesn’t prescribe pills or do treatment at either the mobile or static location, they can refer students to someone who can, and can do it well, at both. The Choices Wellness Van will be back on campus Wednesday Oct. 19th and Tuesday Nov. 15.
“We hold Crowder especially close to our hearts,” said Long. Long is a Crowder Alum, and Susan Wohlenhaus, another Choices nurse, has a daughter that attends the college. Both expressed that they felt it was incredibly important to provide quality medical services to students who may not have it otherwise.
The Choices employees said that they more than anything want to promote education and informed medical choices among Crowder students.
The most important thing? “Choose to know”.

By Cameron Childers
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